Tag: 外籍乐队

  • Ian Somerhalder

    Ian Somerhalder

    Ian Somerhalder American actor, model and director. Known for playing Boone Carlyle in the TV drama Lost and Damon Salvatore in The CW’s supernatural drama The Vampire Diaries.

  • Monica Bellucci

    Monica Bellucci

    Monica Bellucci Italian actress and fashion model. Known for her many Italian films and Spectre (2015), The Matrix (2003), Irreversible (2002)

  • Sophie Marceau

    Sophie Marceau

    Debut films La Boum (1980) and La Boum 2(1982), received a César Award for Most Promising Actress and an international star in Braveheart (1995), Firelight (1997), and the The World Is Not Enough (1999).

  • Sophie Turner

    Sophie Turner

    (born 21 February 1996) an English actress. Turner made her acting debut as Sansa Stark on the television series Game of Thrones (2011-present), In 2016, She is to play a young Jean Grey in X-Men:…

  • 《一代宗师》获奥斯卡双提名 北美版或亮相内地

                  上周第86届奥斯卡提名名单揭晓,代表香港电影出战的《一代宗师》获得了最佳摄影和最佳服装设计两项提名,创造了近年来华语电影征战奥斯卡的最好成绩。奥斯卡代表着电影制作的最高水准,摄影和服装设计则是电影制作水平的重要指标,这部由王家卫十年打造的电影精品,被称之为东方美学的代表之作,不仅完成了中国电影制作水平的一次巨大飞跃,也将代表华语片,在奥斯卡这个世界顶级平台上与其他高手一决雌雄。 对于两项奥斯卡提名,导演王家卫表示:“电影世界只有一种语言,就是以心传心,取得第86届奥斯卡最佳服装设计及摄影的提名,这不仅是香港电影的光荣,也是对所有香港电影工作者有所坚持的肯定。”《一代宗师》出品人、银都机构有限公司董事长宋岱表示,此次入围是代表《一代宗师》及香港电影得到国际的认同,亦是对导演、张叔平及Philippe le Sourd的肯定,香港电影作为中国电影的一部分,以后会为中国电影争取更大的殊荣。 FTA向您提供专业外籍模特,外籍童模,外籍演员,外籍演艺,外籍乐队。   《一代宗师》在北美可谓叫好叫座,在2013年度北美上映的外语片中,《一代宗师》排名第三,同时也是近十年来在北美票房最高的华语电影。美国发行方韦恩斯坦的联合主席哈维•韦恩斯坦表示:“Philippe le Sourd及张叔平分别获得最佳摄影和最佳服装设计的提名,证明《一代宗师》受到了奥斯卡的整体肯定。我希望将金像奖带到中国,带给王家卫这位独一无二的导演,我将朝着这个目标继续努力。” FTA主要经营在中国的外籍演员与模特的经纪业务,以及海外艺人的经纪邀约工作。 同时,应广大影迷和网友对《一代宗师美国版》的呼吁日益强烈,《一代宗师》内地发行方银都机构有限公司表示,正在积极促成美国版与内地观众见面。因此,108分钟的美国版《一代宗师》也有望于2014年在内地公映,让观众们再次与《一代宗师》“久别重逢”。 资源来自:https://fj.qq.com/a/20140120/006924.htm FTA 是一家专业从事于邀请海外艺人来华的经纪公司,帮助您成功接洽到海外艺人。 Chinese Celebrity Agency, Chinese Celebrity Contact, Foreign Actor in China, Foreign Model…

  • 2013年国产烂片频出 业内:应向韩国学习

    2013年国产烂片频出 业内:应向韩国学习

    新闻出版广电总局电影局近日通报,2013年全国电影票房的前十部影片中,国产片占据了7席。这似乎是中国电影市场大获全胜的一年:票房猛增、国产影片力压“好莱虎”。不过2013年的电影牛市远非看起来那么美好,217亿元的中国好市场里依然烂片横行,难觅几部好故事成为难以掩饰的尴尬。 2013年年初,国产影片持续给力,《西游-降魔篇》、《北京遇上西雅图》等多部各具特色的口碑影片相继上映,让业界倍感振奋。不过下半年风云突变,国产影片集体陷入平庸。6月的《天机-富春山居图》成为分水岭,自此国产片烂片频出、话题不断,年中多部口碑极差的电影还制造出所谓越骂越火的“差评营销”这一怪象。 FTA向您提供专业外籍模特,外籍童模,外籍演员,外籍演艺,外籍乐队。 原本竞争激烈的贺岁档在2013年的表现也很不如意,贺岁档主打影片《私人订制》的质量饱受质疑,这直接导致2013年贺岁档票房同比不升反降,2013年国内总票房最终未能站上业界期望的220亿元。即便是在拥有诸多利好的情况下,国产影片能赚钱的也依然只是少数。2013年票房过亿元的国产影片有33部,仅占上映国产影片总量的11.7%。“大部分的票房是靠少数几部票房过亿的电影赚得的,而绝大部分的国产电影是没有票房的,几百万元票房的多的是。”福建恒业电影发行有限公司总经理陈辉表示。 FTA主要经营在中国的外籍演员与模特的经纪业务,以及海外艺人的经纪邀约工作。 业内人士认为,2013年的国产影片的前半程亮眼和后半程乏力“成也故事,败也故事”。“上半年的几部国产片取得了很好的成绩,归根结底是它们注重了故事。”陈辉认为,随着这几年电影市场的火爆,不少热钱盲目涌入电影制作领域。许多投资者抱着“捞一把”的心态攒片子,导致大量粗制滥造的劣质影片涌向市场。 资源来自https://www.hunantv.com/c/20140121/095007553.html FTA 是一家专业从事于邀请海外艺人来华的经纪公司,帮助您成功接洽到海外艺人。 Chinese Celebrity Agency, Chinese Celebrity Contact, Foreign Actor in China, Foreign Model in China, 外籍, 外籍童模, 外籍乐队, 外籍演出, 外籍演艺, 外模, 外籍演员, 国外明星

  • Home made cartoon movie sets new China animation record

    Home made cartoon movie sets new China animation record

    Despite stiff competition from the latest “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf” film and “Despicable Me 2”, “Boonie Bears: To the Rescue” set a new opening record for a domestic animated film…

  • Leandro’s latest fashion magazine shoot李安卓最新时尚大片花絮照曝光

    Leandro’s latest fashion magazine shoot李安卓最新时尚大片花絮照曝光

    Leandro recently did a shoot for a large fashion magazine shoot.Leandro is an actor/model and is of Brazil / Japan mix, and is one of FTA’s overseas artists. As a child Leandro…



    Of all the things that drive the masses towards film, China is one of them. International co-productions, and future box office dominance are factors that have made China an integral part of…

  • Mike Tyson迈克·泰森

    Mike Tyson迈克·泰森

    Michael Gerard “Mike” Tyson (born June 30, 1966) is a retired American professional boxer. Tyson is a former undisputed heavyweight champion of the World. Tyson has taken acting roles in movies and…

  • Metan Launches Hollywood Movie Channel On Tudou, China leading video streaming site

    Metan Launches Hollywood Movie Channel On Tudou, China leading video streaming site

    In response to the insatiable thirst and incredible growth in demand by Chinese audiences for Western celebrity and content spanning films, TV and online, Metan Development Group (Metan) is pleased to announce…

  • China’s video industry confident it can beat piracy, persuade Chinese Netizens to pay for online content

    China’s video industry confident it can beat piracy, persuade Chinese Netizens to pay for online content

    When media studies student Liu Zhiqi settles down to watch a movie or TV drama at the home of the San Francisco family she lodges with, she misses the convenience of downloading…

  • Minions Descends on China With Release of ‘Despicable Me 2

    Minions Descends on China With Release of ‘Despicable Me 2

    China is embracing minion madness this week with the release of animated feature “Despicable Me 2,” after the country shut its door to the film four years ago. The animated sequel from Comcast Corp.’s Universal…

  • China-Hollywood “Gatekeeper” Han Sanping Segueing Out At China Film Group?China-Hollywood “Gatekeeper” Han Sanping Segueing Out At China Film Group?

    China-Hollywood “Gatekeeper” Han Sanping Segueing Out At China Film Group?China-Hollywood “Gatekeeper” Han Sanping Segueing Out At China Film Group?

    As Hollywood continues to learn the ropes in China, I’m hearing that there are a host of big management shifts coming at the upper echelons of the Chinese film business. There have been…

  • Rupert Murdoch’s Fox sells Star China stake to Management Group

    Rupert Murdoch’s Fox sells Star China stake to Management Group

    Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox Inc. sold its minority stake in Star China TV, part of a strategy to divest businesses in which the company can’t gain majority ownership. China Media Capital and…

  • Chinese Search Giant Baidu Fined for Copyright Infringement

    Chinese Search Giant Baidu Fined for Copyright Infringement

    The crackdown comes as China tries to rid itself of the stigma of rampant piracy and establish a healthy Internet video market. China’s largest search engine, Baidu Inc., and Shenzhen-based technology firm…

  • CJ E & M film division catching up with an acceleration to global expansion.

    CJ E & M film division catching up with an acceleration to global expansion.

    CJ E & M is pushing co-production next year in various countries, joint planning / investing in an aim to penetrate the global market. In the United States, through local producers and…

  • Reza Shoot for Government Tourist Office公司微博

    Reza Shoot for Government Tourist Office公司微博

    Reza does a quick shoot for the tourism board of China  公司微博:公司艺人瑞泽最新拍摄的旅游宣传片花絮照大曝光喽!来自伊朗的他,卓越的语言天赋,尤其是中文表达,深受工作人员的称赞!期待成片!  

  • Soldiers of Imagination想象战士

    Soldiers of Imagination想象战士

    The story is about 2 Soldiers, stuck in hospital beds  but one is next to a window with a “view” .  The soldier next to the window tells the one who is…

  • Huayi expands TV series business

    Huayi expands TV series business

    Film production and distribution company Huayi Brothers Media Group on Tuesday said it plans to buy a 51 percent stake in Zhejiang Yongle Film and TV Co for about 400 million yuan…