China-Hollywood “Gatekeeper” Han Sanping Segueing Out At China Film Group?China-Hollywood “Gatekeeper” Han Sanping Segueing Out At China Film Group?

As Hollywood continues to learn the ropes in China, I’m hearing that there are a host of big management shifts coming at the upper echelons of the Chinese film business.

There have been rumors for some time that China Film Group senior management would change or retire this year, and I’m now told that some moves have been made, while others could be imminent. The biggest involves influential Chinese executive Han Sanping. I’ve heard that a decision for him to step down as chairman of China Film around New Year’s Day. The state-owned CFG essentially controls distribution in China and is the key to getting foreign movies into the country since it alone has the right to import them. It is also the biggest producer of local films and co-productions. In his role as chairman of CFG, Han has been referred to as the “gatekeeper” between Hollywood and China. (China film industry expert Robert Cain once wrote of him, “If you took Jack Valenti, Lew Wasserman, and Steven Spielberg and rolled them into one, you’d begin to get an idea of Han’s power and influence in China.”) At age 60, it’s understood he’s been eyeing a move. This is not an ousting, I’m told. Rather, I hear Han will go on to run a large film fund and stay aboard CFG as a consultant. Sources say there is also new leadership to come at Huaxia Film Distribution, the China Film Company, and CCTV.

Han Sanping out


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