Transformers 4 Chinese Actors Talent Search Reality Show Winners Announced《变4》中国海选演员4强诞生 包括宅男型男萝莉女神

Hollywood blockbuster “Transformers 4” has selected four more Chinese actors to star in the production after a televised four-month-long auditioning process, reports exclusively.

“I want everybody to have fun,” Lorenzo di Bonaventura, the film’s producer who has produced all the Transformers movies, told about the producers’ decision to recruit actors through a TV contest aired on the China Movie Channel.

“We are always looking for different ways to learn about other cultures. This is a great way to see people’s passion and excitement. It allows for everybody to have fun together,” he added.

Byron Li, Austin Lin, Candice Zhao, Teresa Daley eventually won the much-coveted movie parts Sunday night on the “‘Transformers 4 Chinese Actors Talent Search Reality Show,” launched by Paramount Pictures in cooperation with Jiaflix and the China Movie Channel in April. The contest was open to both professional and amateur actors, attracting more than 70,000 contestants.

Byron, who hails from the Chinese mainland, is a young actor and model who has graduated from the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing. He won the role of Kung Fu fighter; Candice, a model who won the 35th Miss Bikini International Pageant China, got the role of sexy goddess; Austin, from Taiwan, who has a professional background in Taiwanese TV shows and films like “Somewhere I Have Never Travelled,” got the role of computer geek; and Teresa, who has appeared in several Taiwan TV shows and movies such as “Winds of September,” won the role of cute Loli.

The panel of judges included Sid Ganis, former president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science and present chairman of Jiaflix Enterprises; Lorenzo di Bonaventura, producer of “Transformers 4”; Lindsey Bayman, senior vice president of the Business Affairs Department at Paramount Pictures; Megan Colligan, president of Marketing and Distribution at Paramount Pictures; and Liang Longfei, vice president of the China Movie Channel’s official movie website They saw contestants compete for the four roles through a small drama role play and several personal talent shows.

The producer said the contest winners will receive some training and start working on the production by late September or early October.

Chinese movie star Li Bingbing and pop star Han Geng have already signed on to star in “Transformers 4,” one of the most anticipated new film franchise releases to be directed by Michael Bay. There are six Chinese roles in the film, but the producer didn’t reveal how big the roles will be.

“We don’t really look at it that way, ” Lorenzo di Bonaventura said, “For us it’s an opportunity to get new talent; for new talent, it’s an opportunity to experience [making] a big Hollywood movie, I think it’s important for both sides and not about how big or how small something is.”

“In America, we wouldn’t cast a brand new person in a big part; we would give him an opportunity. But I don’t want anybody to assume that ‘because you are Chinese we will not give you big roles.’ Young talent gets smaller roles; they get to grow from there, they get noticed from those. That’s a very important part of the Hollywood process,” he added.

He also confirmed there would not be a special movie version for China like “Iron Man 3,” but the final cut will be submitted to Chinese censors and it’s up to them to make changes.

“We certainly appreciate China’s ‘Transformers 3’ box office,” Lorenzo di Bonaventura said, “We found we had huge success in Japan, South Korea, China and Malaysia. The Asian markets are really embracing Transformers. Obviously China is the largest among them.”

2011 smash hit “Transformers: Dark of the Moon” took in US$1.1 billion worldwide, including US$165 million in China alone.

Bonaventura explained why they chose to film part of this Transformers movie in China, “One of the reasons we shoot the film here is because Michael Bay has a vision of what should happen in the third act, so we need a place that can deliver that. Only very few places in the world work. The only Asian place we could find to [actually] do what we were hoping to do, was China. So we made the decision and it was a creative decision.”

The producer said they have already built a China town to resemble Hong Kong in Detroit to film some Chinese scenes.

“Transformers 4,” directed by Michael Bay and starring Mark Wahlberg, Nicola Peltz, Jack Reynor and Li Bingbing, Han Geng and four more newly selected Chinese actors, is due in theatres on June 27, 2014.

Transformer 4 Chinese Winners


Foreign Talent Agency – Provides Foreign Models, Actors, Host, Dancers and A&R Talent in China.外国人才中介机构 – 提供外籍模特,演员,主持人,舞蹈家和A&R在中国的人才。8月25日晚,《佳片有约》特别节目——电影《变形金刚4》中国演员试镜会在京举行,美国电影艺术与科学学院前任主席、家赋公司董事长西德·甘尼斯,派拉蒙公司国内市场发行总裁梅根·科利根,《变形金刚4》制片人罗伦佐·达·波纳文图拉,派拉蒙电影商务部高级副总裁林赛·拜曼,以及电影网副总经理梁龙飞出任评委。


12强各秀才艺 劲歌热舞各有特色

  第二轮竞演是“个人秀”环节,宅男、萝莉、型男、女神四种类型的12强选手,3人一组出场表演才艺。型男组的林路迪表演了自己设计武打戏,两个精壮的肌肉男在台上拳拳到肉地搏斗,看得观众热血沸腾。周孝安则抱着吉他自弹自唱了Life House乐队的《Storm》,并深情款款地介绍道:“这首歌是纪念我已经过世的奶奶,她生前特别支持我的工作,所以我今天希望能够唱歌给她听。”向来以韩国巨星Rain作为奋斗目标的李凤阳,则挑战了偶像的代表作《It’s Raining》,性感的舞蹈颇有巨星风范。舞蹈跳到一半,李凤阳还一反彩排时的常态,直接冲到评为面前,成功地吸引了林赛和梅根两位女评委的目光。

  再看萝莉组,台湾小清新纪培慧演唱了原创歌曲《Die in Your Arm》,陈雅丽的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》魔术表演也引起了观众的积极互动,初生牛犊不怕虎的小辣妹林丛丛则演唱了贝嫂的经典歌曲《Wanna Be》。宅男组方面,朱锶豪的舞蹈+rap表演十分卖力,刘韦也挑战了他最不擅长的英文歌,林柏宏则演唱了一首结合了科学怪人的《想自由》,现场效果别具一格。最精彩的要数女神组了,名模赵茜先是古色古香地舞剑,然后又变身比基尼女郎,吉丽、周姮吟的性感热舞也掀起了整场试镜会的高潮,电影《芝加哥》选段和迈克尔·杰克逊的经典MV《Dangerous》都得到了全新演绎。

  4强最终诞生 即将进组拍摄《变形金刚4》




Transformer 4 Chinese Winners


Foreign Talent Agency – Provides Foreign Models, Actors, Host, Dancers and A&R Talent in China.外国人才中介机构 – 提供外籍模特,演员,主持人,舞蹈家和A&R在中国的人才。